Thank you for participation in our study. For a copy of the project management and agile survey results, select the link for an immediate download. The file is about 17 megabytes.
Project Management & Agile Survey Results
On the following dates, we will discuss the study results in our office in Heidelberg, Germany. You are welcome to join.
– Agile Coaches Vs Project Managers: Do we need both? Friday, 27.09.2019 •Impact of Scaling Agile Projects
– Different scaling methodologies Friday, 25.10.2019 •Scaling Agile Projects
– Pros and Cons Friday, 29.11.2019 •Are there differences between the agile and non-agile projects regarding scaling projects? Friday, 31.01.2020
-Agile projects regarding scaling projects? Friday, 31.01.2020
If you have any issues, please send me an email.
Regards, Gloria J. Miller and Robert Trender
gjg at pm-ds-study dot com